28 May 2012

birdy - skinny love

and i told you to be patient
and i told you to be fine
and i told you to be balanced
and i told you to be kind

Some little moments which happens in everyday-life, i think that sometimes were just made to have their own soundtrack, their own song or part of a song to be played while this situations are happening. also, when i hear some songs i just remind to myself things which were in the past and sometimes they fit to that songs so much, like they were a scene from a movie.


  1. In the morning I'll be with you.
    But it will be a different kind.
    I'll be holding all the tickets
    And you'll be owning all the fines

    Great song!

  2. Yup, I'm obsessed with Birdie too. I still think that Bon Iver's version of Skinny Love is performed better, but damn that girl sure knows what she's doing :).
    Thanks for your comment, it really means a lot :)!


  3. Anonymous12:27 pm

    I know! Ian Somerhalder is so hot ♥♥♥

  4. thanks a lot for your comment!

    the photo is really pretty and I love the song! xx

