3 May 2012

open your eyes, open your mind

It's hard to do this resolves which i planned to myself.
the best goes diet, but not exactly how i wanted it to be xd 
worse is to be happy of small things..
but i try to do it and today it partly worked. 
i woke up at 7.30 a.m. and went with a dog for a long walk. 
it was nice to walking through the streets with no one around.
it was all quiet, sunny, and i felt like i can live.
when i came home i drank cocoa 
which also i drank some minutes ago. 
it's good to start day on early morning and do such nice things then.
the day is longer and you have just nice feeling
you have warm on your heart, 
and you smile with no reason :)

ps. these photos were taken yesterday while walking in the park near the sea

1 comment:

  1. You have a great pictures :)

