12 Jun 2012

Well, my mood isn't good, i think it's because of school. we do practically nothing, but i want to get out from this. i just want to change entourage, and never meet some people. so now, these over a dozen days are torment. the only thing which makes me excited is that every day are football matches xd and i can't wait for today's one. some friends of my family come to us to watch it together. so i'm exciteeed :)

By the way, my mom have birthday in 2 days, tomorrow i will go to buy something, but also i want to draw something for her, but i really don't know what.. any ideas? :)


  1. Anonymous8:55 am

    thanks for you comment :) I like your blog, so now I'm following you ;)

  2. I know your feeling, exams are hitting me very hard as well :( And what to draw? A picture of the two of you would be sweet!

    Xo, Imke
