10 Jun 2015

process of oblivion

creating new memories
living a moment
only now and future
letting go

i'm thinking about new tattoo!


  1. I've been busy moving into my new house! and decorating it!
    also I've been busy writing new songs :)
    but I still occasionally look at your blog to see how you're doing .
    I love your tattoo btw, it looks perfect on you.

    1. thank you! i'm happy you like it haha i also like my tattoo, i got used to it and i think i made a good choice:)
      and wow, you recorded some of your new songs?
      and you've got your house! how cool! i bet it's beautiful:)

  2. I think you will never regret it! it really suits you !
    I've been thinking about one but I am scared for some reason (not of the pain!)
    yes! I will link you to one:
    I would email you some pics of the house but I can't because they never worked when I tried to send you mails!

    1. wow Will ! this song is amazing, i really like it and vocals and everything! :)
      and maybe try to create new account on DA, it will be easier to talk and i will try to create new email, what do you think?
      and what are you scared of?

    2. thanks! I appreciate it :)
      yes, I will make a new deviantart account and message you on there:)
